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Selected Growth Architects

Rethinking growth

For us at Vendbridge, growth is evolution and constant improvement. As a company, you never stand still, but you adapt.


We support clients to realize growth missions since more than 20 years. Some dreams became true. Others failed. Very early on, we focused on the customer side, helping our clients to measure unmet needs and direct their strategies towards those needs.


During all this time we needed support from exceptional leaders who believed in us. Our growth architects.

Get inspired by six of those growth architects and read their very personal perspective on growth and how Vendbridge contributed. Some think personal development or team. Others talk about financial performance or a higher purpose. But all try to bring more value to their customers. 


Vendbridge Growth Architects

Markus Dobbefeld.png

Digital veteran

Myriam Lingg.png

Founder and CEO

Adrian Nösberger

Lateral thinker in Banking

Mirjam Reber.png

Curious builder

Stephan Peyer.png

Inspiring shaker


Global Head Growth Acceleration

Vendbridge AG
Neue Hard 14
8005 Zürich

Phone: +41 43 243 67 77

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Vendbridge supports companies to turn innovation initiatives into market success. As the leading customer insights expert, we translate business objectives into the user perspective, uncover actionable customer insights,  and focus growth initiatives on unmet customer needs. Our Customer-Focused Innovation methodology is based on Jobs-to-be-done and identifies what customers really want. Specific, un-biased and measurable.

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